Plus, Roy’s friends rally round, Tracy says farewell and Maria battles anxiety.

By Laura Denby

Published: Tuesday, 26 March 2024 at 12:07 PM

This article includes discussion about suicide and suicidal ideation that some readers may find distressing.

Dylan Wilson (Liam McCheyne) finds himself in danger when he is tricked into meeting nasty bully Mason Radcliffe (Luca Toolan) next week, while Maria Connor (Samia Longchambon) is broken with worry for son Liam (Charlie Wrenshall).

Jenny Connor (Sally Ann Matthews) is forced to admit the truth about the Rovers to Carla Barlow (Alison King), and Roy Cropper (David Neilson) feels guilty that his loved ones are suffering over his own plight.

It looks like Tracy McDonald (Kate Ford) is set for pastures new, as the Baileys are alarmed by new setbacks.

There’s another dramatic week ahead in Coronation Street from 1st – 5th April 2024.

6 Coronation Street spoilers next week

1. Mason Radcliffe closes in on Dylan Wilson

Dylan sits next to Mason in Coronation Street
Dylan and Mason in Coronation Street.

Sean Tully (Antony Cotton) is delighted when Violet Wilson (Jenny Platt) returns with Dylan after their sudden exit, but Violet makes it clear this isn’t a social call, and they’re only back to pick up Dylan’s smart shoes for the court hearing.

Violet and Dylan head to the bistro, but as they look at their menus, a girl called Bella from Dylan’s old class approaches to invite him for ice cream in the precinct.

But when Dylan turns up, he’s horrified to find only Mason waiting for him. With Dylan having shopped Mason to the police for his knife threat on Liam, as well as the hit and run on Eliza Woodrow (Savannah Kunyo), how much trouble is he in if Mason takes his revenge?

2. Jenny Connor makes huge confession to Carla Barlow

Jenny sits anxiously next to Carla in Coronation Street
Jenny admits everything.

When Daisy Midgeley (Charlotte Jordan) climbs out of a taxi loaded with shopping bags, Bethany Platt (Lucy Fallon) comments that she must have spent a fortune. While Daisy snaps that the shopping is all from charity shops, Bethany later hears Jenny tearing a strip off Daisy in the Rovers for her spending habits.

Jenny adds that they must keep a low profile money-wise, but Tim Metcalfe (Joe Duttine) lets slip that he picked Daisy up from the centre of Manchester, not Alderley Edge as she claimed. Bethany realises Daisy has been fibbing, and she plays detective.

Bethany tells Daniel Osbourne (Rob Mallard) that she’s going to offer Daisy help with the cooking for their dinner that evening. Bethany persuades a reluctant Daisy to let her help, but instead she turns the oven up on the apple pie.

Daisy heads out to replace the burnt pie while Bethany and Ryan Connor (Ryan Prescott) prepare dinner, and when Jenny calls Ryan to the bar, Bethany takes her opportunity to look through drawers. She stuffs Stephen Reid’s (Todd Boyce) journal in her handbag and looks through it with intrigue.

As the week continues, Jenny panics when Carla makes a dig about Bethany’s accusations, and at the pub, Jenny insists to Daisy that they must try and pay Carla back without her finding out the truth.

Daisy reckons they should just keep quiet, but when Sally Metcalfe (Sally Dynevor) compliments Daisy’s new designer handbag at the Rovers’ karaoke night, Jenny berates her stepdaughter for flaunting her wealth. Jenny is heard over the microphone, and Carla clocks the tension between the pair.

Carla later finds an upset Jenny in Victoria Garden, and when Carla quizzes her on Bethany’s suspicions over Stephen’s stolen money, Jenny crumbles, confessing that she and Daisy took it but intended on paying it back. How will Carla react?

3. Maria Connor struggles with anxiety over Liam

Maria stares at her phone screen in Coronation Street
Maria spies on Liam as she panics over his safety.

David Platt (Jack P Shepherd) tells Maria that if she doesn’t come back to work soon, Audrey Roberts (Sue Nicholls) will be wanting to replace her.

Maria confides in husband Gary Windass (Mikey North) that she’ll lose her job if she doesn’t return ASAP, but although they need the money, she isn’t ready to leave Liam after he admitted to feeling suicidal.

Gary approaches Carla with the news that he’s thinking of selling the factory building and he’ll give her first refusal. But Carla admits she can’t afford it, while at the flat, Maria waits until she’s alone before opening a box from her bag.

The next day, Maria leaves Gary to home-school Liam while she heads back to the salon, and Maria and Audrey chat to a bride-to-be about hairstyles. But Maria takes a sneak peek at an app on her phone which allows her to watch over Gary and Liam through a hidden camera.

As Maria works on the bride’s hair, she stops to check her app again, and panics when Liam disappears to the bathroom. When she checks again and sees that Liam hasn’t emerged, Maria grabs her bag and rushes out of the salon.

As the week continues, it seems Maria has become a cause for concern as she bursts into tears at the salon. Maria braces herself to tell Audrey about her anxieties, but can her loved ones give her the support she needs – and will she be able to stop spying on Liam?

The Samaritans are available 24/7 if you need to talk. You can contact them for free by calling 116 123, email or head to the website to find your nearest branch.

There is also help for teens struggling with their mental health at Mind.


4. The locals protect Roy Cropper

David and Bernie stand up to a customer as Roy stands in the background in Coronation Street
Roy is targeted.

Dee-Dee Bailey (Channique Sterling-Brown) confides in Adam Barlow (Sam Robertson) and Alya Nazir (Sair Khan) that she’s worried all the evidence so far is stacked against Roy.

Carla tells Dee-Dee about Roy’s sleepwalking and the abusive calls, and Dee-Dee feels the pressure as she assures Carla she’s doing all she can to prove Roy is innocent in Lauren Bolton’s (Cait Fitton) ‘murder’.

Meanwhile, Bernie Winter (Jane Hazlegrove) is horrified to see that someone has posted Lauren’s mum’s contact details online, and Roy is appalled. Against Evelyn Plummer’s (Maureen Lipman) better judgement, Roy calls Lauren’s mum, Kerry, and leaves a message offering his sympathy.

In the café, a customer makes jibes at Roy, suggesting he’s behind Lauren’s disappearance. Bernie and David leap to Roy’s defence, and Roy is sickened to realise the trouble he’s brought to his friends’ lives. Can anything prove his innocence, short of Lauren turning up alive?

5. Tracy McDonald plans exit to Spain

Steve walks away with a newspaper in hand as the Barlows share a drink in Coronation Street
Tracy plans a new life in the sun.

Steve McDonald (Simon Gregson) reads a letter from Tommy Orpington (Matt Milburn) to Tracy, inviting her to move to Spain with him. Steve hides the letter, while Tracy admits to daughter Amy Barlow (Elle Mulvaney) that she misses having a man in her life.

Steve is taken aback when Tracy returns home, and as he reaches in his pocket for Tommy’s letter, he’s stopped in his tracks when Tracy announces she wants them to get back together. Tracy promises that Tommy was a mistake and says she’s back for good, but Tracy appears subdued when Steve heads out for a celebratory bottle of wine.

Dev Alahan (Jimmi Harkishin) is horrified when Steve reveals he’s reunited with Tracy, and refuses to serve his pal. Tracy and Steve decide to go to the pub, but when her back is turned, Steve burns Tommy’s letter.

But later in the week, it looks like Tracy is in the know about Tommy’s offer, as she calls in for the last of her things and tells Amy, dad Ken Barlow (William Roache) and brother Daniel how much she’s going to miss them.

Ken suggests a farewell drink in the Rovers, where he, Amy and Daniel raise a toast to Tracy and wish her well with her new life in Spain. Steve buries himself in his newspaper and Amy feels for him, but will Tracy really go for good?

6. The Baileys’ woes worsen

Ed stands opposite Michael as he relays news in Coronation Street
Ed brings bad news.

Michael Bailey (Ryan Russell) shows Dee-Dee a final demand which came through the post for their dad, Ed (Trevor Michael Georges), and Dee-Dee is shocked to see how much money Ed still owes.

Ed returns from Birmingham and breaks the news that their mum, Aggie (Lorna Laidlaw), has dumped him and won’t be coming home. Michael offers his dad a comforting hug and hides the final demand letter, but how much worse can things get for the clan?

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