What just happened?

By Louise Griffin

Published: Thursday, 28 March 2024 at 14:46 PM

*Warning: Full spoilers for Constellation ahead.*

As Constellation ends on Apple TV+, the series from Doctor Who writer Peter Harness has brought us an epic cliffhanger moment to see out the show (for now).

The series, starring Noomi Rapace, Jonathan Banks and James D’Arcy, follows astronaut Jo, who returns home from a traumatic space mission to find her life very different to how she left it.

However, life on Earth has proved pretty traumatic for Jo too. As we go into episode 8, we’ve discovered that she’s crossed over into a universe where things are almost the same but not quite, with her daughter Alice (Davina and Rosie Coleman) finding a way to communicate with her other self. Still with us?

As it turns out, one version of Jo is dead and the other is alive, with Alice understanding the situation pretty much better than anyone else in this whole scenario. Listen to the kid!

Elsewhere, it’s made clear that the exact same thing has happened to Henry/Bud Caldera (Banks) with one version of himself making the other one’s life a misery.

However, things get a whole lot more complicated in Constellation episode 8. Here’s everything you need to know.

Constellation ending explained: How is Jo alive?

Throughout the series, and particularly in episode 8, we see Jo grappling with the fact that she is one of two versions of herself – with the other one being dead in space (or so we thought).

Up until now, she has been fighting to find her way back to her other family, and particularly her daughter Alice, as she knows this version is not her daughter.

However, episode 8 shows Jo finally making her peace with the fact that she needs to stay with this version of her family, and making an agreement to Alice that they can be each other’s mother and daughter. No doubt, that decision is also influenced by her love for Magnus and the fact that she’s pregnant.

Noomi Rapace as Jo wearing an astronaut uniform and cap standing in front of a green chalkboard.
Noomi Rapace as Jo in Constellation.
Apple TV+

Once this has been established though, the show has one more twist left in store.

A final scene shows the spacecraft Jo was on, with her last message to Alice playing. As we’re taken through the inside of the spacecraft, we see a gruesome shot of Jo’s corpse with half of her face missing after her death in space. However, a shocking final moment before the series ends shows this version of Jo, apparently no longer dead, looking towards her iPad and grabbing it before looking into the camera at us.

So, how is this version of Jo alive? Of course, we don’t know just yet but we do know from earlier in the series that characters, including Irena/Valya can exist between life and death in a liminal space, making it possible that this version of Jo only appears to be alive temporarily.

But, if this version of Jo is well and truly alive somehow, it has huge implications for the show going forward if it’s greenlit for a season 2. Considering the other version of Jo has finally accepted that she needs to stay with this other version of her family, it seems that newfound peace is about to get massively disrupted.

Who is Valya?

Valya is the other version of Irena (Barbara Sukowa) – and the cosmonaut that Alice drew in her picture.

As we begin episode 8, Jo is in trouble, being wheeled away under Irena’s watch, with everyone convinced she’s going mad.

Alice has basically worked out exactly what’s going on and sits her dad Magnus (D’Arcy) down to tell him her mother is dead and that her body is still in space. Obviously, Magnus is a bit confused, considering he thinks she spent the weekend with her mum. Remember, this Jo is from the other side – so is technically the other Alice’s mother.

Magnus attempts to convince Alice that her mother is still alive – to no avail.

Jo wakes up to find herself locked in her room. Magnus thinks Jo is telling Alice lies and says she can’t see her unless she stops accepting the “lies”.

Rosie/Davina Coleman as Alice in Constellation
Rosie/Davina Coleman as Alice in Constellation.
Apple TV+

Irena examines Jo and tells her to play the piano to get back to herself. Jo tries to explain that she’s seen her “real” daughter, but Irena refuses to accept it, telling Jo that she has a condition that’s making her believe these things.

Irena says usually they’d use one particular dose to treat Jo, but she’s in the early stages of pregnancy. She says they have designed an alternative drug therapy to treat her, with Jo distressed at the news – she says she can’t have the child because otherwise she won’t be able to get back to her Alice.

Jo hears noises from another inmate, who Irena describes as “incurable”. However, she’s distracted as she suddenly recognises Irena as the cosmonaut she saw in space – the one everyone tried to convince her wasn’t there.

She recognises Irena’s voice as the one on the recording and starts reciting what she said back to her – “Capsule on fire…the world is the wrong way round.” Irena swiftly leaves, with Jo still shouting out to her.

Ilya tells Jo he believes she’s suffering from “astronaut burnout” and that Irena is hoping he takes over for her. Jo tells Ilya that she knows Irena died in space, trying to tell him that they both came from somewhere else – but Ilya won’t hear it.