By Lauren Morris

Published: Monday, 11 October 2021 at 12:00 am

Doctor Who’s Colin Baker has shared his thoughts on the rumours around Olly Alexander becoming the next Doctor, saying that casting the It’s A Sin star would be “too obvious”.

Since Jodie Whittaker announced that she would be leaving Doctor Who after the upcoming series, many fans have suggested the Years and Years star could take over as the 14th Doctor, especially as Russell T Davies – who worked with Alexander on Channel 4’s It’s A Sin – will be returning as showrunner.

However Baker, who starred as the Sixth Doctor from 1984 until 1986 and reprises the role for Big Finish’s audio dramas, told “I think that would be too obvious for him [Davies].

“Mind you, he did cast David Tennant after working with him, so who knows? I don’t know [Olly’s] work to be honest, so I can’t comment.

“But if Russell thought he was the right person, then he’s the right person! I wouldn’t argue with Russell.”

Alexander responded to the Doctor Who rumours back in June, with his management saying in a statement: “Even though Olly is often contacted by Cybermen, I’m afraid I have to exterminate this speculation. As nice as it is to see interest in this story regenerate, it just isn’t true.

“As Ood as it might sound, Olly is focusing on his music, for the time being.”

While the speculation around the next Doctor Who star continues, Baker is returning to the role for audio drama Doctor Who – The Sixth Doctor Adventures alongside Ruth Madeley, who also worked with Russell T Davies on Years and Years.

Doctor Who will return to BBC One on Sunday, 31st October. Looking for something else to watch? Check out our TV Guide or visit our dedicated Sci-Fi hub for the latest news.