By Laura Denby

Published: Tuesday, 13 September 2022 at 12:00 am

There’s potentially deadly drama on the cobbles next week, as Kelly Neelan (Millie Gibson) plots against Gary Windass (Mikey North), who she now knows killed her dad, Rick. Gary soon finds himself in a terrifying situation, but when a shot rings out, whose life is really on the line?

Elsewhere, Stephen Reid (Todd Boyce) continues his deceit, but mum Audrey Roberts (Sue Nicholls) has cause for concern. Leo Thompkins (Joe Frost) also knows that Stephen is far from genuine. Will his lies become public knowledge? And Roy Cropper (David Neilson) is assisted by pal Evelyn Plummer (Maureen Lipman) when a precious item leaves his possession. Can they get it back?

Read on for all you need to know about Coronation Street from 19th – 23rd September 2022.

6 Coronation Street spoilers next week

1. Kelly takes revenge

Kelly’s plan is put into action.

With her fury bubbling away, Kelly is seeking vengeance. She begins by asking Todd Grimshaw (Gareth Pierce) if he has any dodgy contacts she can pass on to a ‘friend’. Todd wisely advises her to go to the police instead (it’s good to see he’s finally learnt something after his previous scheming), and as she’s called to the police station to identify her kidnapper, Kelly is shown photos, including one of the culprit: Kieron.

Kelly makes out she doesn’t recognise him and outside, she approaches a nearby Kieron. Despite the ordeal he put her through, Kelly offers him £10,000 to kill Gary! Meanwhile, she tells fiancé Aadi Alahan (Adam Hussain) that she’s booked them tickets to Bangkok – but leaves out the fact that they are one way only. As their engagement party starts at the Bistro, Kelly is emotional, but things are about to take another sinister turn.

2. Gary in danger after killer reveal

Gary finds himself in grave danger.

At the party, an oblivious Gary takes the opportunity to deliver some heartfelt words about Kelly and how much he and the family love her – but Kelly is full of hate, and tells him she knows he murdered her father. She rushes out of the Bistro and as Gary follows her, he is horrified to find her with Kieron.

Gary is soon knocked unconscious and bundled into a van, and Kelly tells Kieron that he’ll get the rest of his payment once Gary is dead. But as the van speeds away, Kelly is left to ponder her decision, wondering whether she’ll regret it. Kieron and his sidekick Al lead Gary to the woods where he killed Rick. The pair point a gun at Gary and order him to dig his own grave. But there’s another twist in this tale…

3. Who is shot?

Could Kelly lose her life instead?

What happens next remains to be seen, but we do know that Gary is later able to alert Aadi that Kelly is now the one in danger. As they track her phone so they can find her, Kieron is outside a disused mill where he brings Kelly onto the roof and reveals his new plan – to kill her and frame her for Gary’s murder, making it took like a case of murder-suicide.

Kelly panics while Gary and Aadi arrive and spot Kieron’s van. They are shocked to see that Kelly is on the rooftop, but as Kieron is about to push her off the edge, Gary appears and orders Kieron to kill him instead. Seconds later, the gun goes off – but who has been shot? Will Kelly’s promised exit be her demise, or might Gary pay for his crimes with his life?

4. Leo and Audrey are suspicious as Stephen plots

A fight breaks out as Leo suspects foul play.

Leo is witness to Stephen’s shifty behaviour next week, as he is on hand to conduct a survey at the Platts’ when David (Jack P Shepherd) reveals that the sinkhole in the garden is opening up again. It’s when Audrey offers to have her family stay at hers that Leo spots Stephen’s uneasy reaction. He tells partner Jenny Connor (Sally Ann Matthews) that he finds the man quite odd – unaware of her anxiety over her secret kiss with Stephen.

After Stephen checks that Audrey and sister Gail Rodwell (Helen Worth) have left for the spa day he’s paid for, Leo wonders why Stephen is lying when he makes out that he slept in a posh hotel. Audrey then returns early and explains she found a valuer from the estate agents at her house who claimed that Stephen made the appointment. Leo listens in, and the two men later come to blows. But will Audrey realise that her son can’t be trusted? And will Leo add fuel to the fire?

5. Will Stephen’s lies be exposed?

Todd Boyce plays Stephen in Coronation Street.

In the aftermath of the scuffle, David wants to call the police – but he’s stopped by Stephen who clearly doesn’t need them around! Leo storms out and Jenny follows him – she has a lot of explaining to do, so has her betrayal been revealed? Meanwhile, David quizzes his uncle about why he spent the night in his car, as well as what happened with the valuer at Audrey’s house.

But their row is interrupted by the arrival of Stephen’s estranged wife, Gabrielle (Helene Maksoud). Stephen’s heart sinks, but will she expose him for his criminal behaviour? Corrie’s Executive Producer has already teased that this story is set to get a lot darker, so watch this space!

6. Roy’s heartbreak over lost Hayley memento

Roy hopes to find late wife Hayley’s coat.

In need of extra cash, Bernie Winter (Jane Hazlegrove) persuades Nina Lucas (Mollie Gallagher) to let her give the flat a clean for Roy’s birthday. But when she finds a box of old clothes she suggests they donate them to charity, instead of simply minding her own business! Nina agrees, but fails to realise that one of the items is the red anorak that belonged to Roy’s dearly departed wife Hayley (Julie Hesmondhalgh).

When Evelyn later gifts Roy a model train for his birthday, Roy recognises it as his own. Evelyn realises it came from the same charity shop where Hayley’s coat must be, so she and Roy head over there. Later, Evelyn returns to the shop where she rips the anorak from owner Joy, who she believes is wearing it. Joy is bewildered, but how will Roy react?

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