Kim gets a shock and Cathy confesses she’s April’s troll.

By Johnathon Hughes

Published: Tuesday, 31 August 2021 at 12:00 am

A horrifying hostage situation unfolds in the village when Victoria Sugden (Isabel Hodgins) and Wendy Posner (Susan Cookson) are held at gunpoint by dodgy villain Russ (Rob Jarvis). Who will survive the siege?

Leyla Cavanagh (Roxy Shahidi) tells Liam Cavanagh (Jonny McPherson) the tragic news she’s had a miscarriage, Cathy Hope (Gabrielle Dowling) regrets her bullying of April Windsor (Amelia Flanagan), and Kim Tate (Claire King) gets a nasty surprise.

Here are all your Emmerdale spoilers for 6th – 10th September 2021.

Russ takes Wendy and Victoria hostage


Russ the rogue reveals the real reason he’s on the run to ex-wife Wendy – turns out he was involved in a jewellery shop robbery that went awry and he shot a police officer. What on earth attracted caring nurse Wendy to a lowlife like Russ? Well, they do say opposites attract. Desperate for Harry’s inheritance cash, Russ ups the pressure for Wendy to convince Victoria to hand it over, which she’s only too happy to do.

Guilty at having her grandson’s mum taken advantage of, Wendy finds Vic at the Hide and orders her not to transfer the dosh, warning her Russ can’t be trusted. Not only that, but he’s blackmailing Wendy over a shocking secret that could destroy the life she’s built in the village. Before Wendy can tell Vic (and the audience) what she’s hiding, Russ bursts in – and he’s not happy…

Siege horror at the Hide


Furious the funds haven’t cleared, Russ demands Victoria honour their deal and cough up. Now she knows he was ready to fleece his own grandchild Ms Sugden refuses to give Russ a penny and starts dialling 999 – at which point he pulls out a sawn-off shotgun and traps the terrified twosome in the HOP eatery.

Confiscating his hostage’s phones so they can’t call for help, Russ stares down the barrel at a shaken Vic and makes her promise to give him the money so he can continue life as a fugitive. Soon there are armed cops crawling around outside and the scary situation becomes an all-out siege – ending with the sound of a gunshot firing… Has someone been killed?

Liam learns Leyla’s lost their baby


For the sake of her grieving husband’s fragile mental health, Leyla has decided to hide the fact she thinks she may be miscarrying their child as she fears it’s too much for Liam to cope with following the tragic death of his teenage daughter Leanna.

After an appointment at the surgery Leyla still insists Liam is kept in the dark, and she organises a scan which she plans to attend alone. Priya Kotecha (Fiona Wade), who Mrs C confided in, then accidentally arouses Liam’s suspicions that something is wrong and he confronts his wife. Finally confessing she’s lost their baby, how will Liam react to the upsetting news Leyla tried to hide?

Cathy confesses


Cathy is starting to regret trolling April, and so she should. It presumably started out as a bit of fun (actually, there’s no excuse for the teen’s behaviour) before opening the floodgates and escalating into a dangerously toxic scenario that has shone a light on the impact of online haters on vulnerable kids.

This week, April’s phone is flooded with more menacing messages after her number is posted online, which leads her to deduce her bully is someone she knows. As April breaks down, physically and emotionally wrecked by her ordeal, Cathy is wracked with guilt and confesses to twin brother Heath (Sebastian Dowling) she’s responsible for the nasty time their niece is enduring. But will she clean to April?

Elsewhere on Emmerdale

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