By Patrick Cremona

Published: Tuesday, 20 December 2022 at 12:00 am

Jopari and Lee Scoresby might both have been killed off in the second season of His Dark Materials, but that hasn’t stopped Andrew Scott and Lin-Manuel Miranda from returning in the final run.

The pair both feature in a segment set in the Land of the Dead, and although the two actors appear in a scene together, Miranda exclusively revealed to during production that the stars actually filmed separately due to a scheduling clash.

“I’m reuniting Will with his dad, with John Parry – except John Parry is filming The Talented Mr Ripley in Italy,” the Hamilton creator told us on set. “So I sort of filmed my half of the scene today, and, you know, I think if they can get him out of Italy to film his bit, they’ll film that many months later.

“So it’s a bit of a weird day, actually, because it was sort of like: ‘Here he is – we hope!’”

In the same interview, Miranda also explained how it had been a “joy” to return as Lee Scoresby in the final run – and revealed he was especially glad to learn that his role had been slightly expanded when compared to the books.

“I’m a fan of the books, so I knew that we got a glimpse of him in the Land of the Dead, I just didn’t know how extensive that would be in the TV version,” he said.