Is this the last we’ll see of him?

By Laura Denby

Published: Thursday, 16 March 2023 at 12:00 am

Drug dealing villain Callum (Tom Ashley) was arrested in tonight’s dramatic Emmerdale (Thursday 16th March), after holding Leyla Harding (Roxy Shahidi), Suzy Merton (Martelle Edinborough) and Jacob Gallagher (Joe-Warren Plant) at gunpoint.

Having kidnapped Leyla, Callum had her tied up in a disused shed, while Suzy, David (Matthew Wolfenden) and Jacob searched for the missing woman. Leyla’s ex-husband Liam Cavanagh (Jonny McPherson) also joined the group, waiting for news.

Callum looked genuinely worried when he found Leyla barely conscious, as he tried to give her some food. She managed to slur out a request to take her to the hospital, with Callum assuring her that she would be okay.

But once he got her in the car, Leyla came to, fooling him and letting herself out of the vehicle. Suzy, meanwhile, got a potential lead when a friend of hers, Jez, suggested they locate the shed as he had held meetings with Callum there – but Jacob wasn’t keen as he felt they would be wasting precious time. Suzy insisted, though, that it was the only plan they had, so they set off.

As they drove down a country road, Leyla emerged from the woods and spotted the car, but she was too late as she screamed Jacob’s name. Leyla was then tackled to the ground by an armed Callum, whose anger had returned following her escape attempt.