Can Simon escape the nightmare he’s created?

By David Craig

Published: Tuesday, 19 March 2024 at 16:21 PM

A clip from Coma episode 2 sees Jason Watkins’s Simon shaken by a confrontation with his neighbour Harry (David Bradley), who could very well unravel his fragile web of lies.

The chilling drama kicked off with the unassuming family man hounded by a troublemaking gang of youths, resulting in him throwing a punch at their ringleader, Jordan (Joe Barber).

Unexpectedly, the hit leaves Jordan in a coma and fighting for his life, while Simon played the hero – weaving a fictional cover story in which he saved the young man’s life after somebody else had attacked him.

However, the typically quiet and grumpy Harry witnessed the whole thing and, in the clip below, reveals to Simon that he holds the information that could change his life forever.

Watch the preview clip now: