She remains rightly furious.

By Laura Denby

Published: Friday, 01 March 2024 at 21:00 PM

This article includes discussion of suicide and suicidal ideation that some readers may find distressing.

Maria Connor (Samia Longchambon) condemned Dylan Wilson’s (Liam McCheyne) actions in tonight’s Coronation Street (1st March), as she noted how he had covered for bully Mason Radcliffe (Luca Toolan).

Maria’s son Liam’s (Charlie Wrenshall) life was made hell by Mason, with Dylan joining in so as not to be targeted himself.

Liam considered taking his own life, and this discovery led Maria to keep watch over Liam night and day.

After she received a call from the school about putting in safeguarding procedures for Liam, Maria told husband Gary Windass (Mikey North) that she may still decide to send Liam to a new school.

Gary urged her to take a break, and let him take over keeping an eye on Liam for the day.

Meanwhile, a subdued Dylan snuck his confiscated phone out of dad Sean Tully’s (Antony Cotton) hiding place, before covering with worried Sean that he was fine.


Alone again, Dylan played a voice note from menacing Mason, who told him he owed him for keeping his mouth shut.

In the café, Maria continued to worry about Liam as she checked in with Gary, and Sean approached her to explain that Dylan had been suspended from school after coming clean about everything.

But when Sean admitted that, out of fear, Dylan hadn’t named Mason, Maria pointed out that this made Dylan just as bad as Mason.

She added that until Dylan did the right thing, Sean shouldn’t defend his son at all. Will Sean be able to convince Dylan to speak out?

The Samaritans are available 24/7 if you need to talk. You can contact them for free by calling 116 123, email or head to the website to find your nearest branch.

There is also help for teens struggling with their mental health at Mind.

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