By Huw Fullerton

Published: Monday, 08 November 2021 at 12:00 am


The potato-headed warriors were in full force in this week’s Doctor Who – but what did we think of Flux’s second chapter The War of the Sontarans?

In this week’s episode of the Radio Times Doctor Who podcast we give our review of Flux Chapter Two, delve into the latest Who news and fantasy-cast the next multi-Doctor special for Controversial Question of the week.

Plus, we catch up with Liverpool’s number one wok n’ roll legend, Mr Dan Lewis…

What else can I expect from episode 3?

This week, we caught up with series newcomer John Bishop to find out how he got involved with Doctor Who, what it’s been like to adjust to a world of green screens and monsters and whether he’d be up for returning to the series after the departure of Jodie Whittaker next year.

“I think the official line is you say you don’t know, but I genuinely don’t know,” he tells us.

“And for lots of reasons you know, for me, personally, this just was almost so good, I wouldn’t want to risk it, trying to do it again. I just feel so lucky to have had that time with those people.

“I don’t know what’s going to happen next with me career, because I’m getting back to the thing that you know, me day job if you like. But then someone phones up and says Dan Lewis has got a place with the news Doctor, you think… it’s a conversation to be had innit? You know what I mean?”