Tom subjected his wife to a horrifying ordeal.

By Laura Denby

Published: Thursday, 16 May 2024 at 19:30 PM

This article includes discussion of domestic abuse, including coercive control, that some readers may find distressing.

Tom King (James Chase) viciously attacked wife Belle (Eden Taylor-Draper) in tonight’s distressing Emmerdale (16th May 2024).

After Tom manipulated Belle into disowning her Dingle family, she was seen ignoring Mandy (Lisa Riley) and Lydia (Karen Blick) in the street, while controlling Tom persuaded Belle to send him her login details for an app to track her menstrual cycle amid their pregnancy plans.

Mandy was hurt and baffled by Belle’s nasty attitude, and Lydia agreed to help Mandy make amends with Belle – so the pair pitched up at her home for a chat.

After a tense start, Belle allowed Mandy to apologise, and all was soon well again between the women.

But with Tom monitoring Belle’s every move on the puppy cam, he heard Mandy, Lydia and Belle laughing over how his job as a vet made him stink when he got home.

It was all light-hearted fun, with Lydia also discussing husband Sam’s (James Hooton) tendency to bring home dead pheasants of an evening!

But a raging Tom rushed back to the cottage, where he played the dutiful husband and Lydia and Mandy apologised for the recent rift.

Tom holds an arm towards Belle, who looks distressed in Emmerdale
Belle was broken by Tom’s violent actions.

When they left, though, Tom’s mood darkened, as he claimed that Belle had rolled over and forgiven Mandy too easily.

As Tom let slip some of Mandy and Lydia’s words from the footage, Belle realised that he had been spying on her, and called him out on his fake persona too.

Tom lied that he had merely been checking on their puppy, Piper, but Belle insisted that Tom’s behaviour wasn’t normal, bringing up his destroying of her mum Lisa’s (Jane Cox) ashes and his burning of her hand on purpose.

In the kitchen, Belle placed a gentle hand on Tom’s shoulder as she told him he needed help, but Tom lashed out by punching her in the stomach, leaving Belle in agony on the floor as his mood switched and he offered futile apologies.


Belle rejected Tom’s ‘helping hand’ as she struggled to breathe through the pain, and listened in disbelief as he made excuses for his actions.

Tom insisted that he had been triggered and would never hurt Belle on purpose, but Belle ran upstairs and locked herself in the bathroom. Tom pounded on the door and begged Belle not to shut him out, while she sobbed as she looked at her bruised stomach.

When Belle emerged, she ordered Tom to leave. After more protests from him, and Belle threatening to call big brother Cain Dingle (Jeff Hordley), Tom finally agreed to give her “some space”.

Oblivious, Lydia and Sam knocked on the door with a casserole. They heard Piper’s barking, but Belle failed to answer, sitting on the floor as she sobbed her heart out. Can anyone help Belle?

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Emmerdale has been working with Refuge for the Tom and Belle storyline. You can access free and confidential support from Refuge’s 24-hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline on 0808 2000 247 and digital support via live chat Monday-Friday 3-10pm via