By James Mottram

Published: Friday, 21 October 2022 at 12:00 am

Ethan Hawke and Ewan McGregor star in Apple TV+ family drama, Raymond & Ray, where they reunite at their father’s funeral. Neither sibling had a particularly good relationship with their father and get to sharing memories both light and dark of their dad while processing how he made them the men they are today.

In light of their new film premiering on Friday 21st October on the streamer, Radio Times Magazine caught up with the pair to ask them all about the movie, the legacy they want to leave, and what roles are still left for them to play.

This is your first film together, but you both broke into the big time in the 90s, in Trainspotting and Reality Bites. Have you known each other for a long time?

Ewan McGregor: There’s like a simpatico feeling to our careers and the kind of work that we’ve done. I’ve always felt a sort of kindred spirit with Ethan, although we didn’t know each other well. A long, long time ago, we met when Ethan was working with Jude Law on Gattaca. We met and we must have hung out a few times. We’re pretty sure we did!

Ethan Hawke: I don’t remember much else about the evenings except that we had a good time!

Raymond & Ray is a comedy drama about a pair of estranged half-brothers, made by writer-director Rodrigo García. Who signed up first?

Ewan: I read the script first. I’d made a film with Rodrigo in the past called Last Days in the Desert. We were very excited to get the script to Ethan. And you’d worked with Rodrigo when he was a camera operator, right?

Ethan: Yes, on Reality Bites and Great Expectations. Which were two movies I made very close in time to each other – so I’ve been following his career for 20 years, just because I really liked him as a man. He’s a very likeable, engaging, kind, warm soul.

The brothers’ father leaves very specific instructions about his wishes after his death. Have you ever thought about how you’d want to leave this life?

Ethan: First off, I don’t want to leave this life. I plan on immortality… that’s my goal. Actual permanent life. My favourite Willie Nelson quote is, “I don’t go to funerals and I definitely won’t go to mine.”