The new film is based on the true story of Mardenborough’s rise from gamer to racer.

By Patrick Cremona

Published: Tuesday, 08 August 2023 at 12:50 PM

The upcoming Gran Turismo movie is – as the full title (Gran Turismo: Based on a True Story) suggests – based on an incredible true story, charting Jann Mardenborough’s rise from dedicated gamer to real-life motorsports star.

Mardenborough’s skill at the titular game saw him win a spot at the GT Academy in 2011, a programme that trained players to become professional racers – and he’s enjoyed a successful career in the sport ever since.

He was also involved in the new movie as both an executive producer and stunt driver, and in an exclusive interview with ahead of the release, he explained how being on set allowed him to sneak a couple of Easter eggs into the film.

“There’s a lot of things in the movie that only I and my immediate circle know – because there’s a lot of Easter eggs,” he revealed.

“So of course, there’s photos in there of me, real photos with those cars at the start and also at the end.

“But the keen-eyed viewer would know… there’s a scene where it shows me qualifying for GT Academy, and in the top left corner, it’s got my username, and it’s my real PSN username. So only PSN users would know that.”

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He added: “And also the gaming rig that was in my bedroom is an exact replica of the gaming rig I used to qualify for GT Academy.

“It’s important because that rig… I made it, I made it and I painted it in a certain Art Deco way, because I made it in school and that rig is what I used to qualify for GT-A.

“So I asked Neill [Blomkamp, director] please could you put these in there? And he did my helmet – again, those were my helmet colours that Archie [Madekwe, star] is wearing.

“So, for someone to wear your colours, it’s such a… that’s the only thing in motorsports a racing driver you’re able to customise, the only thing. So to have my colours in there – I’m very happy!”