You’ll take my life, but I’ll take yours too.

By Toby Saunders

Published: Wednesday, 03 April 2024 at 12:22 PM

Another day means another Personal Order, and this time we’re taking a look at how to kill Troopers in Helldivers 2.

If you’re not sure what a Trooper is or where to find them, we’re here to help.

You may have been asked to kill 20 Troopers as a daily challenge, but you will likely have to destroy 20 of a specific Trooper variety. They all look similar but carry different weapons.

You’ll know which kind of Trooper you need to destroy to complete your Personal Order as you’ll see the number you’ve killed increase when you take out the correct variety.

It’s more than likely that you’ll need to kill 20 of the standard Troopers, however, which carry laser assault rifles.

Regardless of what kind of Trooper you need to kill in your Personal Order, you should have a far easier time killing 20 of them than Bile Spewers and Annihilator Tanks. These Automaton enemies are a cinch in comparison.

With all that out of the way, it’s time to find out where to find Helldivers 2 Troopers and how to kill them.

Where to find Troopers in Helldivers 2

Trooper in Helldivers 2 holding a blaster
Trooper in Helldivers 2.

Troopers are the most common Automaton/bot enemy in Helldivers 2. You should find them in plentiful numbers on any given Bot mission on any and all difficulties.

This means they can only be found during an Automaton/Bot mission – you won’t find them with the Terminids.

Troopers come in a few varieties, with Raiders and Marauders, all of which carry different weapons. You’ll encounter many of them in just about every Bot mission.

The humanoid robots carry different weapons depending on what variety of Trooper they are. For your daily challenge/Personal Order, you’ll probably need to kill 20 (or whatever the number may be) of the same kind.

The number you’ve killed should be given via an in-game counter/tracker, so you’ll know which variety of Trooper you need to kill to complete the challenge.

Now, how do you kill Troopers?

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How to kill Troopers in Helldivers 2

To kill Troopers in Helldivers 2, you’re best off aiming for headshots and throwing grenades.

Troopers are the weakest of the Automaton army, and should be easy to kill using just about any weapon you have to hand. Headshots and grenades are two known weaknesses of the Trooper, though.

Alone, Troopers won’t cause you much harm, but when they swarm in great numbers they can be more than a nuisance. It’s always worth equipping a weapon and/or stratagem that packs a punch.

Essentially, though, killing 20 Troopers to complete a Personal Order shouldn’t be much of a challenge – just be careful to not get overwhelmed by them, which can certainly happen on higher difficulties!