Nish and Dean are irredeemable.

By Laura Denby

Published: Monday, 05 February 2024 at 15:26 PM

This article contains discussions of topics including sexual assault that some may find distressing.

If there’s one thing EastEnders fans can all agree on, it’s that resident villains Nish Panesar (Navin Chowdhry) and Dean Wicks (Matt Di Angelo) must be brought to justice one way or another.

Control-freak Nish has been terrorising estranged wife Suki Panesar (Balvinder Sopal), and he’s growing more toxic by the day.

Widening his net to threaten Stacey Slater (Lacey Turner), Nish has also attacked Eve Unwin (Heather Peace), before ordering her death!

Thankfully, Eve survived to find happiness with Suki, but Nish remains a chilling presence in Walford – despite almost dying himself when struck over the head by Denise Fox (Diane Parish) in defence of Suki.

Meanwhile, rapist Dean Wicks (Matt Di Angelo) returned last Halloween, leaving victim Linda Carter (Kellie Bright) broken as he set up a business in Albert Square!

Maintaining his ‘innocence,’ Dean manipulated Linda into admitting she lied! But surely Dean cannot have been brought back almost ten years after his sickening attack, simply to settle down and get away with his crimes?

As for Nish, he’s got to be heading for a fall too. So how might these evil wrong’uns get their comeuppance?

Well, has been thinking about it, and you can join us as we delve into all the theories.

How will Nish Panesar and Dean Wicks be brought to justice in EastEnders?

Framed for Keanu Taylor’s murder

Danny Walters as a dying Keanu Taylor in EastEnders.
Danny Walters as a dying Keanu Taylor in EastEnders.

Remember Dean’s presence in The Vic on Christmas Day 2023? After he spied on Linda, the action turned to Nish and Keanu and we’ve yet to hear whether Dean witnessed Linda’s killer move.

Given Dean escaped justice for rape and attempted rape, though, is there a way to turn the tables on him and set him up for Keanu’s murder?

Perhaps Dean dropped a possession of his in the pub while he was creeping around, and this item has, unbeknown to The Six, ended up being buried with Keanu’s body?

One day that corpse will be unearthed, and who better to take the fall than Dean – especially if he’s connected to it through his own decision to enter The Vic without anyone’s knowledge?

What an iconic way to vindicate Linda!

Fans agree, with one even hinting that Linda keeping the murder weapon might be going somewhere – might she plant it on Dean?