By Patrick Cremona

Published: Friday, 02 September 2022 at 12:00 am

New survival thriller Fall – which arrives in UK cinemas this weekend – will be just about the worst nightmare for anyone with even the slightest fear of heights.

The film follows best friends Becky and Hunter, who find themselves stranded after scaling a 2,000 ft abandoned radio tower, with no way of getting themselves down and very little chance of attracting the attention of any passersby.

The film is directed by Scott Mann, who had the idea for the movie – which was initially intended to be a short – while working on his previous film Final Score.

“The inception of the height idea came about when we were shooting Final Score at a stadium in the UK,” he explains during an exclusive interview with “We were filming at height, and off camera we got into this interesting conversation about height and the fear of falling and how that’s inside of all of us, really, and how that can be a great device for a movie.

“I think the key to it was finding these actual towers that exist in America, that exist in the desert there, it was just like that is the perfect location, the perfect kind of character to be at the centre of this nutty thing.”

The first port of call for the team was choosing a specific location to be the centerpiece of the film, and after much consideration, they eventually opted for the abandoned B67 TV tower in Arizona – the fourth-highest structure in the US.

“We looked at buildings, we looked at different things, and mountains and whatnot, and ultimately we came across the tower,” Mann explains. “And we just realised there was so many of them out there – and the height of these things, they’re all 2,000 ft and above. And it got us excited, it genuinely did.”