By Joe Julians

Published: Tuesday, 26 October 2021 at 12:00 am

Diamonds are a girl’s best friend, but how do you find diamonds in Minecraft? That’s a fine question, and we’ve got the answer you seek right here.

Crafting is one of the many possible things to do in the game, and you can make all sorts of things if you have the right ingredients at your disposal. This is why a lot of people are keen to get their hands on as many diamonds as possible – they are one of the best supplies to have in the game when it comes to crafting.

But where are these shiny blue diamonds, and what can you do with them once you have them? Here’s all your Minecraft diamond information!

How to find diamonds in Minecraft

Want to find Minecraft diamonds? Well, you are going to have to dig deep – quite literally. You can only find diamonds in Minecraft underground.

Diamonds live quite far below ground, so you are going to want to make sure that you have an iron pickaxe (or something equally tough) before you even attempt to find them.

Grab a few torches, too, as you will want something to light the way once you head down – you might also want to bring some food as you may be gone for some time.

Once you’re ready to find some diamonds in Minecraft, you will want to dig down to L15 – it is only here and further down that you will find them.

When digging, do so diagonally (that bit is important) and be wary of running into certain types of enemies as you make your way down. Nowhere is safe, it seems!

The key here is to light your way with torches so you don’t lose where you are, and to keep your wits about you, so don’t slip or stumble into a scary situation.

If you’re more of a visual learning, the video below should help you find diamonds in Minecraft: