“We want emotes to be a source of good vibes…”

By Matt Poskitt

Published: Tuesday, 23 April 2024 at 16:39 PM

Epic Games is looking to combat toxic player behaviour in Fortnite by giving players the option to hide emotes it considers ‘confrontational’.

How this is being implemented is via a new setting as part of V29.30 update, allowing those in the battle royale to toggle between seeing these emotes from anyone to friends or no one.

With online gaming communities known for being quite hostile, the hope is this will create a more friendlier environment for players. 

The “See Confrontational Emotes” setting is now rolling out worldwide, so we’ve laid out the steps to put it into action as well as the emotes that will be hidden as a result.

How to hide ‘confrontational emotes’ in Fortnite explained

Fortnite Settings Hide Emotes
Fortnite Settings Hide Emotes.
Epic Games

To hide any emotes that users might find confrontational, head to the settings menu and toggle across to the “Social Privacy” tab. Scroll down to find the “See Confrontation Emotes” option and flick it between three options to fit your preference. These options include:

  • Emotes from friends in your party
  • Emotes from any player
  • No Emotes at all 

Which Fortnite emotes are ‘confrontational’?