By Joe Julians

Published: Monday, 17 January 2022 at 12:00 am

If you’re into your video games then there’s a good chance that you already know everything that there is to know about Roblox – a service that’s soared in popularity over the last couple of years.

But for the uninitiated, it is a platform where developers can share games for the masses – and everyone who has signed up will have instant access to play. The development side of things is open to anyone, so you can give it a go yourself if you are feeling creative.

But what if you do have Roblox and you find it isn’t working? Here is what you need to know about checking the Roblox server status.

Is Roblox down?

There are a few ways to tell right off the bat if the Roblox server is down, so if any of the following are happening you be fairly certain that the problem is on their side, not yours.

How to check Roblox server status

If you have the above occurring and you want to check the Roblox server status to be sure that is where the issue lies, then just head over to the Roblox servers page, which will give you all the information you need to know.

You’ll see different sections here relating to different parts of Roblox and, despite the ton of information it has there, it doesn’t feel overwhelming at all and it is simple to use – we love simple!

If you’re wondering if any other Roblox users are having the same issues as you, you could also check the Roblox page on Down Detector – that’s a community-led site where users can log issues, so you should be able to see if there is a big flare-up of problems at the moment. Hopefully there isn’t!

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