“A kind word about queer people on telly tells your loved ones that when they’re ready to come out, your living room is a proud one.”

By James Hibbs

Published: Friday, 28 June 2024 at 11:15 AM

In recognition of Pride, ITV has teamed up with Alan Carr to produce a video encouraging the families of LGBTQ+ and questioning people to speak kind words about queer representation on TV.

The initiative has been co-created by Uncommon and ITV Creative in consultation with ITV Pride, and recognises that, “no matter how well intentioned, direct questions about sexuality or gender can be confronting for young queer and questioning people, who might not be ready for them”.

In the short film, Carr is seen on a TV screen, saying: “If you think someone you know is questioning who they are or who they love, it’s not always good to ask them outright. They might not be ready and it’s not easy being put on the spot.

“Instead, talk about me. That you think it’s great I’m up here being a gobby gay man for all to see. Because a kind word about queer people on telly tells your loved ones that when they’re ready to come out, your living room is a proud one.”

You can watch the film here: