By Morgan Cormack

Published: Thursday, 15 December 2022 at 12:00 am

While the World Cup may still be wrapping up, Joe Lycett‘s special edition of Got Your Back is set to take us right back to the beginning of the football event.

Joe Lycett vs David Beckham: A Got Your Back Christmas Special airs tonight (Thursday 15th December) and, in an exclusive clip shared with, viewers get a glimpse of the comedian’s nerves in the run up to the big event.

At the beginning of this year’s World Cup, Lycett alleged destroyed £10,000 in a headline-grabbing stunt to highlight the controversies surrounding Qatar hosting this year’s competition, specifically regarding the LGBTQ+ community, and gave well-known footballing legend David Beckham an ultimatum.

The Got Your Back special clip shows that although Lycett is known to many as a confident figure, he was actually nervous in the lead up to the event.

Joe Lycett vs David Beckham: A Got Your Back Christmas special.
Channel 4

In the clip from Rumpus Media, he is seen filming the ultimatum intended for Beckham. He says: I’m giving you a choice, if you end your relationship with Qatar, I’ll donate this 10 grand of my own money – that’s a grand for every million you’re reportedly getting – to charities that support queer people in football.

“However, if you do not, at midday next Sunday, I’ll throw this money into a shredder just before the opening ceremony of the World Cup, and stream it live on a website I’ve registered called The choice is yours. I look forward to hearing from you.”

After filming the short segment, he goes on to look down and admit: “Do you know what? I realised I think why I feel nervous and it’s because it matters to me … like this … yeah, it really directly affects me, what happens here.

“It doesn’t look like that much really when … all things considered. It’s a lot though, it’s a lot when it’s going through a shredder.”

Watch the exclusive clip below.