By Huw Fullerton

Published: Sunday, 24 April 2022 at 12:00 am

Star Trek: Voyager may have ended in 2001, but the influence of the series lives on – and now, in new animated series Star Trek: Prodigy, fans even get to see the story continue.

Most prominently, the series stars an Emergency Command Hologram of Captain Janeway (Kate Mulgrew), the erstwhile Captain of the USS Voyager, as a main character, acting as a mentor and helper to the main cast of runaway aliens who discover a lost Federation ship.

But as Mulgrew herself notes, there’s more to the Voyager connections than her involvement in the series.

“Well, of course [it connects],” Mulgrew told “I think as it unfolds, there will be more and more of that.

“You’re hitting on a point that’s terribly important, and it’s that the fans love it by association. They remember very clearly the important and significant moments in Voyager lore, in Next Gen lore, in The Original Series lore. And when that is sparked by a moment or some sort of correlation, it’s delightful.”

In other words, Voyager fans watching Prodigy might note little callbacks that give greater significance to the events on screen, even if they’re not crucially important to the plot.

“If you’re a little newcomer, you’re not only going to enjoy it but your mother’s going to be whispering, ‘Janeway did that in the third season…’,” Mulgrew said.

“Do you understand? It’s going to be an education, and at the same time, it’s a relationship unfolding.”