Adding more comedy to the tragedy.

By Cole Luke

Published: Tuesday, 12 December 2023 at 11:34 AM

The dystopian capitalism fodder simulator has had another update that has introduced a new monster type to the game, so to help even your odds, we have the Lethal Company masks explained with all masks listed and what they do.

These items appear as harmless scrap, but do not be fooled – as nothing in Lethal Company is as it seems.

While spooky, it’s perhaps not as scary as the prospect of Lethal Company not coming to consoles or Mac (but fingers crossed it does!).

To help overcome the Masked menace, you could help even the odds by increasing the Lethal Company max player count, though this may just give the Masked more unwitting fools to possess.

The masks provide a novel twist on the Lethal Company formula – though now the cat is out of the bag, there is ample opportunity for griefing, so it’s best to play with friends to avoid a random player succumbing to the Masked on purpose.

How to get masks in Lethal Company

Masks appear in Lethal Company as of Update 45, either as spawned monsters or when found and picked up by a player across the map.

If a possessed player is killed, the mask they are wearing will not be dropped, so you will need to find one around the map.

They have a high scrap value, so the risk may seem like it could be worth it, but as we go into in depth below, a lot can go wrong that will easily spell the quick demise of your mission (but with the usual Lethal Company hilarity).

Full list of Lethal Company masks & what they do

Currently, there are two kinds of masks in Lethal company:

Both largely do the same thing, but there are slight differences.

If a player picks up a mask and holds the left mouse button to wear it, there is a chance the player will become possessed as it latches onto their face and takes control of their body.

The Tragedy Mask is said to possess a player quicker than the Comedy Mask. The Tragedy Mask also turns into a Comedy Mask when it possesses a player.

There may be a chance of a mask possessing you even if it is just in your hand and you aren’t putting it up against your face, so beware.