By Huw Fullerton

Published: Monday, 21 March 2022 at 12:00 am

New Marvel Disney Plus series Moon Knight stars Oscar Isaac as its titular hero, a troubled mercenary whose identity is split between two personalities: grizzled tough guy Marc Spector and diffident nerd Steven Grant, both vying for control as they try to save the world from a supernatural threat.

It’s hard to imagine anyone other than Isaac in the challenging central role – but the actor has now revealed that he had serious doubts about signing on to another massive franchise so soon after exiting Star Wars.

“For me, it was all reservations,” Isaac told “It was months of smashing my head against a stone wall like, ‘Is this the right thing to do?’ I thought, ‘I shouldn’t do it. Maybe maybe…’

“I had just kinda got out of the whole, you know, big machinery of Star Wars. And I was like, ‘I just really want to do character studies. And I don’t know.’”

However, the more Isaac thought about the story that Moon Knight could tell, the harder it was to get out of his head.

“I couldn’t help but feel that there was this opportunity there,” he told us.

“That’s the risk, sometimes you have an idea of what you want to do. And then something comes to you. And I just kept thinking about it.

“And then suddenly Steven Grant started appearing for me, and I started doing it around the house for my kids and my wife, and they kept asking me to do it. And I was like, ‘Alright, well, maybe there’s something here.’”

Oscar Isaac plays Moon Knight

Apparently, Isaac’s fumbling, British take on the character was radically different from the version Marvel had pitched him, but when he suggested the changes Marvel supremo Kevin Feige was enthusiastic.

“It wasn’t necessarily written that way at all,” he explained. “And so I thought, ‘OK, well, let me see what Kevin says about this.’ And so I had a meeting with Kevin, I said, ‘This is how I’d want to do it.’ And he said, ‘Yeah, OK, go for it.’

“And it’s funny, because afterwards he told me they didn’t know what the hell I was doing. And they weren’t sure it was going to work at all. But you know, in the end I’m glad we did that, because everyone says it kind of makes the show.”