By Morgan Jeffery

Published: Monday, 14 February 2022 at 12:00 am

“It’s a funny old business, this,” says Russell T Davies, who tops this year’s‘s TV 100 list, a rundown of the most exciting, influential names working in television today compiled by figureheads of the creative industries. “Christmas 2017, I got a phone call… Years and Years had been turned down, and then I got a phone call saying It’s A Sin had been turned down. It was a real feeling of ‘Oh, this is the downward slope’ – look at my downward slope now! But genuinely, it was Christmas – the irony of it! I was like the Little Match Girl, there was probably a jaunty carol playing in the background, with me going, ‘Oh my God, I’m properly out of work.’

“It just goes to show that you can be in this job as long as you like, it’s still a freelance job. People always say to me ‘Oh, you must get everything made!’ – oh no, you don’t!”

Davies’ It’s A Sin – depicting the lives of young gay men, their friends and their families throughout the HIV/AIDS crisis of the 1980s – was rejected by both the BBC and ITV before Channel 4 finally green-lit a five-part series. “It had been looming in my head for years, almost with a sense of dread,” he admits. “Because if I got it wrong, I would have gone to the grave mortified. It doesn’t matter if I get Doctor Who wrong. It doesn’t matter if I get Years and Years wrong. it doesn’t matter if I get Jeremy Thorpe wrong. Who cares? Move on, next drama. If I’d got this wrong – and by wrong I mean if I’d upset people, or just struck the wrong tone, or let down the people we’d lost – that would have been an awful thing. It’s very unusual to approach a project with that heaviness, that sense of dread.”

Launched in January 2021, the series won widespread critical acclaim – including being named‘s no.1 TV show of 2021 – and broke records for Channel 4, with the first episode becoming its most-watched drama launch ever. Davies was “completely blindsided” by the success, having approached transmission “hoping for an audience, hoping that anyone would watch it at all”.

“The night before transmission, Alex Mahon – who’s the head of Channel 4 – sent me a lovely e-mail saying, ‘It doesn’t matter how many viewers we get tomorrow, we’re really proud of it,’ which was like a kiss of death. I thought, ‘Oh my God, they’re actually expecting zero viewers, right at the very top.’ so the fact that those numbers were so high was thrilling.

“I mean, you only do these things for viewers, you’re just lying if you say you don’t. You do them so that millions of people will come and watch. I mean Cucumber [Davies’ 2015 Channel 4 drama exploring 21st century gay life] was getting audiences of about 1 million. Some episodes got less. So I was kind of resigned to that in my head.”

Released in its entirety on All 4, It’s A Sin also became the most binge-watched show to ever stream on the platform after receiving 18.9 million views. Though there’d been “doubts” about whether all five episodes should be released as a box-set, Davies himself was excited by the idea, having never launched one of his shows in this manner. “I’m watching The Tourist at the moment and I’m pacing that out weekly because I like the cliffhangers, I like the waiting. But It’s A Sin is not a thriller, there are no cliffhangers, it’s just the story of life, so actually it works very well as a four-and-a-half hour movie.”

Davies had originally pitched the series as eight episodes, with Channel 4 eventually commissioning five. “I love the final form,” he says. “But actually, yes, it would have been wonderful if it had been eight episodes. There are things not in there. There’s no episodes with no deaths, for example. If you’d done eight episodes, around about episode five or six, there would have been important moments saying that, actually, life goes on and the problems of HIV and AIDS are not only the problems of death – living with it is a problem. I think it’s a shame that there’s no episode that does that.”

A longer run would also have meant more scenes featuring Andria Doherty as Eileen, mother to Colin (Callum Scott Howells), as she embraced activism following her son’s death, as well as a scene revealing that Juan Pablo (Tatsu Carvalho), who it’s assumed dies off-screen in the final series, was still alive following the passing of his partner Henry (Neil Patrick Harris). “But you sound like a pretty rubbish writer if you sit here complaining about the things you didn’t get to write when people would die to have five hours on Channel Four,” says Davies. “So I’m very grateful for what I got.”

Channel 4

Whatever shape It’s A Sin ended up taking, Davies “always knew” how it would end, with Jill (Lydia West) visiting hospital to support a lonely man dying from AIDS, before flashing back to show Ritchie (Olly Alexander) and his friends enjoying life together, before the pandemic hit.

“I wasn’t exactly sure what would happen in the story, but I knew that whatever happened, the story would end with her going back onto a ward to sit with a stranger, and we’d flash back to see that gang at their happiest and their funniest, just laughing on a park bench like you do when you’re young. Literally the moment I sat at my desk to type page one, scene one, episode one, I knew that’s where it was heading. It’s the getting there that’s hard work!”

The impact of It’s A Sin extended beyond just record-breaking viewing figures, with a commemorative t-shirt featuring the slogan “La!” – a catchphrase repeated by the show’s young characters – raising half a million pounds for HIV and sexual health charity the Terrence Higgins Trust, something Davies calls “astonishing”. “I find that amazing,” he says. “I’d never predicted any of that at all.”

He believes the show ended up forming part of a “movement” that is helping to destigmatize living with HIV and AIDS – as the episodes aired, he heard stories of families who’d previously insisted a son or brother or uncle or father had died of cancer or of pneumonia now finally telling the truth about their diagnosis. “I think it’s one of the things that’s changing – not just thanks to It’s A Sin, but thanks to all the work that the charities and the activists do, is persuading people to stop referring to an AIDS death as a terrible, shameful thing, but simply as a cause of death, with no guilt, no shame, and no stigma attached. To be part of that was extraordinary.”