*Spoilers ahead for Sex Education season three!*

By Lauren Morris

Published: Friday, 17 September 2021 at 12:00 am

Netflix’s hit comedy-drama Sex Education returned with its long-awaited third season today, plunging viewers straight back into the action with a NSFW montage of its characters going at it.

With Asa Butterfield returning as Otis Milburn, the once awkward teenager who started his own sex therapy clinic at Moordale is now a matured sixth former with a moustache and a secret girlfriend (who’s revealed in the very first episode).

However, over the course of the series, a huge amount happens, from Maeve and Isaac’s relationship to Jackson meeting new non-binary student Cal – and so it can be difficult to keep up at times.

If you’ve binged the whole season in one go and need a recap, or just want to find out what happens in the end, read on for our full explanation of the Sex Education season three ending. Alternatively, check out our five-star review!

Do Maeve and Otis end up together?


The moment we’d all been waiting for finally happened in Sex Education’s third series – Maeve and Otis actually kissed for the first time.

After being accidentally stranded in France on a school trip, Otis told Maeve what he’d said in the voicemail that was deleted by Isaac in the series two finale, professing his love for her once again, and the two shared a passionate kiss.

Of course, in typical Sex Education fashion, it was never going to be that straight-forward for the fan-favourite pairing. With Maeve now dating Isaac and Otis having just broken up with Ruby, the kiss majorly complicated things in both of their love lives. Otis tells Isaac about the incident when they’re back in the UK, causing Maeve to push both Isaac and Otis away after their competition for her affections began to get out of hand.

In the last episode however, it seemed as though Maeve and Otis were finally going to be a couple. Otis admitted that he originally started the sex clinic to be close to Maeve and they reconciled, with Maeve deciding to move in with Anna, the foster mother of her sister Elsie, and give her relationship with Otis a go.

Then, at the last minute, Maeve’s mum Erin turns up with the cash she needed to attend the Gifted and Talented programme in America and after Aimee convinces her to go at the last minute, Maeve breaks the news to Otis that she’ll be leaving the country that night.

While Otis and Maeve’s relationship is put on hold, there’s still hope that they could actually pursue a romance when she returns. “We’ll have to see where we’re at when I’m back,” she tells Otis before saying that it isn’t goodbye, but “see you soon”. We better keep our fingers crossed for #Motis in season four!

What happens to Moordale?


After the students, led by Viv and Jackson, upstaged headmistress Hope Haddon’s open day presentation by speaking about sex positivity followed by a spirited performance of the school’s new anthem, F**k the Pain Away by Peaches, they returned to school the next day to find that Hope had gone.

While the students initially thought they’d won the battle against Hope’s rigid new policies, the school’s governor soon broke the news that Moordale’s investors had pulled their funding after the performance. Moordale secondary would be closing down, with the land being sold to developers.

With many of the students now in sixth form, they’d have to find a new school by the end of the term. Where will Otis, Eric, Jackson, Aimee and the rest of the gang go? And will Moordale be saved? Hopefully, series four will provide us with some answers.

Does Jean die in childbirth? Who’s the father?


The penultimate episode of Sex Education series three ended on a cliffhanger that panicked fans everywhere. After going into labour early, Jean gave birth to a baby girl but immediately started to lose a lot of blood.

While doctors took their time in finding the source of the bleeding and Otis and Jakob began to fear the worst, Jean thankfully pulled through.

Once the anaesthetic wore off, Jean found the unopened results of her baby’s DNA test, which Jakob had insisted they do after worrying he wasn’t the father. Jean opened the letter and while we didn’t get to see its contents, it isn’t looking good for the couple judging by Jean’s reaction. “Oh s**t,” she says upon learning the results.

Could the baby’s father be Otis’s dad? Or maybe a previous one-night-stand of Jean’s? We’ll wait to wait until series four to find out.

What happens with Cal and Jackson?


Sex Education’s third season introduced Cal, a non-binary student who was new to Moordale and over the course of the eight episodes, we watched as they became close with Jackson Marchetti.

Whilst on the school trip in France, Cal and Jackson share a kiss and later try to pursue their romantic connection, however after Cal tells Jackson that he’d be in a queer relationship if they were to become more serious, Jackson freaks out and leaves.

The next day, Jackson apologises to Cal and says that he does want to be with them, however Cal decides that they would be better off as friends while Cal tries to work on themself.

Do Eric and Adam break up?


Eric and Adam went on a real journey this season and while they told each other that they loved one another, Eric kissed someone else whilst visiting family in Nigeria.

He later tells Adam and while Adam is happy to forget about the infidelity and move on, Eric realises that it wasn’t just a stupid kiss – he finally felt free. “I’m ready to fly and you’re just learning to walk,” he tells Adam. “I’ve worked really hard to find myself and I’m beginning to lose who I am.”

The couple decide to break up, leaving Adam absolutely devastated – however, he begins to grow closer with his family. He tells his mum Maureen that Eric had been his boyfriend and not just his friend, and discovers something he’s actually good at – dog agility training.

Perhaps with Adam beginning to open up and find himself, a reconciliation with Eric could be on the cards for season four?

Sex Education seasons 1-3 are available to stream on Netflix. Check out the best Netflix series and best Netflix movies to keep you entertained or visit our TV Guide for more to watch. Visit our Drama hub for all the latest news.