Arthur Hughes, who has radial dysplasia, plays the titular character of Matthew Shardlake, who has scoliosis.

By James Hibbs

Published: Tuesday, 30 April 2024 at 07:00 AM

New Tudor mystery series Shardlake stars Arthur Hughes as the titular Matthew Shardlake, a lawyer living in the 16th-century who has scoliosis, and is often discriminated against because of this.

In this first season, based on the novel Dissolution by CJ Sansom, he is tasked with investigating a murder at a monastery by Thomas Cromwell, who is played by Sean Bean.

Hughes spoke exclusively with about playing the character, and how he wanted to portray his disability “sensitively” and worked on getting his physicality and movement right.

He explained: “I was asked to read the scripts when I was in the middle of doing Richard III at the RSC, and in rehearsals for that. Obviously, playing a character who’s famously derided for his appearance and his hunched back at that time, I had some good conversations with the directors, writers, producers about, if I was to play Shardlake, how I’d want to do it.

“So that was my starting point for how we wanted to portray him – not in the usual, bent double, kind of hobbling around in a very caricature fashion. I wanted to root Shardlake’s disability in something that was truthful to my own experience, because disability is often aped in a way that isn’t as sensitively done as I would like.”