From weird agencies to surprising foes – it’s hard to feel like the world’s against you.

By Tilly Pearce

Published: Thursday, 27 June 2024 at 15:04 PM

**Warning: Supacell finale spoilers ahead**

As we speed through to Supacell’s season one finale, all of our five leading characters have something they need to fight for. 

But above all else, we know time-jumping Michael (Tosin Cole) is on a mission to save his fiancé Dionne (Adelayo Adedayo), believing her death on July 9th triggers the start of the end of the world. 

At the beginning of Supacell’s episode 6, three of the four people he needs are now with him – super speedy drug dealer Rodney (Calvin Demba), super strong Sabrina (Nadine Mills), and gang thug Tazer (Josh Tedeku), who has mainly used his invisibility to stab people until this point. 

This comes in especially handy when the mysterious wormhole-jumping hoodie-wearing enforcers looking for them manage to corner them on the estate. 

Although Michael is able to get the group out of there to safety, it’s clear time is running out and they need to find answers quickly.   

Meanwhile, Dionne is on her own investigation mission, wanting answers about Michael’s sudden new abilities, and why it seems like it’s connected to missing children in the area. 

If we’ve learned one thing from Supacell, it’s that they pull no punches – so with the season one finale, why would they stop now? Here’s what played out as we finally find out more about what’s going on. 

Supacell ending explained: Who are The Organisation? 

The Organisation is a military-style operation working under the base of Ashington Estate

Hiding in plain sight, the area looks derelict and overrun with gangs, drug dealers and sex workers, so they can function underneath day-to-day without being found.

In reality, the group – led by Ray (Eddie Marsan) and Victoria (Siân Brooke) are researching Supacell, a mutation of the sickle cell gene that gives people superpowers. 

The powers are triggered by perilous situations, or by coming into close proximity of others with powers. 

Michael hunched over on the ground, screaming in distress, with glowing eyes
Tosin Cole stars in Supacell.

Jasmine, who has the power to heal, has been kept trapped in their headquarters because she’s of use to The Organisation, making her use her powers to heal their soldiers.

The woman killed at the beginning of episode one was Tazer’s mum, with her son having spent years believing she had simply left him.

Soon, they have André (Eric Kofi Abrefa) – who is super strong and the fifth person Michael needs to save Dionne – and recruit him as one of the hoodies, offering him money to bring in the others. Ray tells André they’re dangerous, and they need to be brought in to control their abilities so they’re not a threat to others. 

Did Michael save Dionne?

While trying to track down a missing girl named Jasmine, Dionne begins to realise she may have had powers too – and that’s why she went missing. 

Divulging this information to their parents, they confirm her suspicions but are hesitant to go to the police because, well, would you believe anyone who said that? 

Instead, Jasmine’s father begs Dionne to safely get his daughter back from Ashington Estate – pinning her to that area after following a tracker he’d put in her school bag. 

Michael sits on the sofa, smiling, with Dionne lying against him – they appear to be watching TV
Tosin Cole and Adelayo Adedayo star in Supacell.

Meanwhile, our four main supacell-ers are coming up with a plan, unsure of why André never showed up to their planned meeting, but Tazer and Sabrina soon clash over needing to find gang leader Krazy. 

At one point, Tazer’s brother figure, the kingpin Krazy, is threatening to kill the youngster’s grandmother unless he meets him in A-Town – AKA Ashington Estate. 

Sabrina wants to track Krazy down too, as he’s dating her sister, Sharleen, and she believes he’s holding her captive. 

Michael heads there too when he hears Dionne being accosted over the phone – and is surprised to hear she’s doing all this research in the hope of getting him back, fearing his new power has left him “bored” of her. 

After hiding her fate for so long, Michael finally tells Dionne the truth – and that he’s doing all this to prevent her death.