By James Hibbs

Published: Tuesday, 26 April 2022 at 12:00 am

The highly-anticipated adaptation of Sarah Perry’s novel The Essex Serpent is coming to Apple TV+ in a matter of weeks, and we’ve now finally got our first trailer for the series.

In the footage we see stars Tom Hiddleston and Claire Danes as they cross misty landscapes and engage in dinner table debates in Victorian England – we even get hints of an illicit affair between the two.

In the trailer, Hiddleston’s Will Ransome proclaims that the serpent, a mythical creature claimed to have been seen by Essex residents is “an invention, a symptom of the times we live in”.

Danes’ Cora Seaborne protests: “So you’re against progress? I’d rather believe in a creature people have actually seen than an invisible god. Is that blasphemy?”

Meanwhile, a burgeoning romance between the pair is hinted at, as the married Will tells Cora “I can’t think clearly when I’m around you.” When Cora states she won’t be blamed for Will’s “weakness”, he says that “love is not a weakness”.

You can watch the full trailer here: