Nathaniel Martello-White speaks exclusively to about his tense thriller.

By Patrick Cremona

Published: Tuesday, 21 February 2023 at 12:00 am

New Netflix film The Strays has some pretty clear movie influences – from Jordan Peele’s Get Out to Michael Haneke’s Funny Games – but what might be less apparent to viewers is that the idea originally stems from a true story.

Writer and director Nathaniel Martello-White – who is making his feature debut – has revealed that his initial inspiration came from a story he heard his mum tell, which instantly raised all sorts of intriguing questions for him.

“[It] was about a woman who essentially was denying the fact that she had two Black children,” he explained in an exclusive interview with

“[She also] had two children, who were very fair-skinned and almost white-passing, and this woman was biracial. And I was just really struck by the kind of complexities of that, like, what would make somebody feel like they had to erase their past and deny it?”

He added: “I had a really interesting conversation with my mum about generational trauma – she’s also biracial – and she was sort of talking to me about her experiences as a biracial woman and kind of traversing different cultures and classes and sometimes being perceived as almost white and kind of how people would treat her.

“And then the odd sort of slip, and then there’s a microaggression or something, which actually is quite offensive, or quite shocking.”

The year Martello-White heard this story – which was also the year he first saw Get Out – he was doing the BFI Network program in conjunction with the London Film Festival and Black Star, and the central question he was repeatedly asked was: What should your first feature film be?

“And I sort of came away from that experience being like, it had to be something really personal that sort of explored race in a really complex way but also have a genre element to it that kind of made it more universal and far-reaching,” he said.