Star Anjli Mohindra previously told that “there’s stuff on the horizon.”

By Patrick Cremona

Published: Sunday, 26 September 2021 at 12:00 am

After six captivating episodes and a brilliant finale, nuclear submarine thriller Vigil has drawn to a close on BBC One.

The drama – which boasted a terrific cast including Suranne Jones, Rose Leslie, Shaun Evans and (very briefly) Martin Compston – has been a huge hit, earning strong reviews and becoming the BBC’s most-watched new drama launch of the year.

With that in mind, fans might be wondering if we can expect to see another series at some point in the future, and while nothing has been confirmed at this stage there are some promising signs so far.

Read on for all the latest information about a possible second season of Vigil.

Will there be a second season of Vigil?

While the Vigil finale offered a fairly definitive conclusion, and there has been no official word on a follow-up so far, some quotes from the cast and crew make a second run seem like a real possibility.

Earlier in September, Tiffany Docherty star Anjli Mohindra revealed during an interview with that “There’s been conversations” about a second season.

“I think there’s stuff on the horizon,” she hinted. “But nothing confirmed just yet.”

Meanwhile, writer Tom Edge previously explained that while another series set on the submarine itself seemed unlikely, there’s every chance that he could return to some of the characters again in the future.

“We have probably told as many of the stories as we would wish to tell on a submarine,” he said. “[But] some of the characters that we have developed as we’ve made it, they feel like characters that we’d love to burrow into. So if there’s a will to do it from everyone else then certainly I would be up for it.”

And Lorne MacFadyen – who played the traitor Doward – had his own suggestion for a possible second series during a recent Q&A with BAFTA Scotland.

“There was talk about doing a Vigil musical,” he joked. “I think that’d be amazing. I will sing it, I will do it!”

Vigil season 2 possible release date

As for when a possible second season of Vigil might air – it’s impossible to say at this stage.

If a second series was to be commissioned, it seems unlikely that we’d see it hit our screens for at least a couple of years – but should we hear anything else we’ll update this page accordingly.

Vigil season 2 cast

In the event of a second season, the two characters who seem most likely to return are Amy Silva (Suranne Jones) and Kirsten Longacre (Rose Leslie) – and now that they’ve rekindled their relationship, perhaps they could form a crime-fighting duo for the ages.

With Tom Edge having declared that another series set on the submarine is unlikely, it seems we might have seen the last of most of the Vigil crew – which would mean no more Shaun Evans as Elliot Glover, Anjli Mohindra as Tiffany Docherty, Patterson Joseph as Neil Newsome and Connor Swindells as Simon Hadlow.

Of course, we could see more of these characters in a different setting – perhaps exploring the aftermath of the first series – but it’s just too early to know at this stage.

There are, however, a fair few characters who can definitely be ruled out after biting the dust during the first run – including Lauren Lyle as Jade Antoniak, Adam James as Mark Prentice, and of course Martin Compston as Craig Burke.

Any second run would also be likely to bring in a host of new characters – and given the incredible cast assembled for the first run, we’d imagine World Productions would be able to draft in some big names, especially after the success of the series.

Vigil season 2 plot

Other than the fact Tom Edge has said a second run probably wouldn’t take place on a submarine, there isn’t a great deal to go on regarding what ground the show would cover in a potential second series.

Realistically speaking there are probably two options – either we follow the fallout of Vigil’s disastrous tour and the continuing conflict between the Navy and anti-nuclear deterrent activists or Silva and Longacre explore a completely different case not related to the submarine.

Given the success of the first run, we’d be more than happy to watch either – and we’ll update this page as soon as any more news filters through.

Vigil is available to watch in full on BBC iPlayer. For more to watch, check out more of our Drama coverage or visit our TV Guide to see what’s on tonight.