Baby Jean witnessed many traumatic events in the first years of her life.

By Stefania Sarrubba

Published: Tuesday, 31 January 2023 at 12:00 am

It isn’t easy being a baby in soapland – and Emmerdale‘s Jean Tate sure knows a thing or two about surviving dramatic events.

Played by Megan Pearson, the character was introduced in January 2003 and would remain on the soap until September 2005, when she and her mum Zoe Tate (Leah Bracknell) moved to New Zealand.

But who was she and where is she today? Here’s all you need to know about Jean Tate in Emmerdale.

Who was Jean Tate in Emmerdale?

Jean is the daughter of Zoe and Scott Windsor (Ben Freeman).

She was conceived during Zoe and Scott’s one night stand, and Jean’s mum has no recollection of having slept with Scott due to her schizophrenia. When she learned she was pregnant, she assumed she had been raped.

After considering getting an abortion, Zoe decided to carry the baby to term and give it up for adoption.

Born on 24th January 2003, Jean was named after Zoe’s late mother. Despite having found a suitable couple willing to adopt the baby, Zoe changed her mind, set on bringing up Jean alone.

Meanwhile, Scott was aware of being Jean’s father but was reluctant to tell Zoe.

Things got awkward when Zoe hired Scott’s girlfriend Chloe Atkinson (Amy Nuttall) to be Jean’s nanny. Whilst on the job, Chloe left the baby unsupervised and not strapped properly to her chair, causing Jean to fall from the kitchen table. The sitter didn’t tell Zoe about the incident.

After suffering another injury when a lamp fell on her head, the baby was rushed to the hospital in critical condition. She recovered, though Zoe was horrified to learn her daughter had a broken rib as a consequence of her first fall. Social workers launched an investigation into Zoe’s responsibilities in Jean’s injuries, ultimately leading to Scott telling the truth and claiming Jean as his own.

Syd (Nathan Gladwell) told Zoe about how Jean got her injuries in front of Chloe, who took the blame with social workers and was ultimately fired.