Are you Stark or a Lannister, a Baratheon or a Bolton? Find out now!

By James Hibbs

Published: Friday, 23 June 2023 at 12:00 am

Game of Thrones may have ended in 2019 but the Song of Ice and Fire universe certainly lives on. Not only are there still two more books in the mainline series on the way, there are also countless spin-offs both in book form and on TV.

House of the Dragon is well into production on its second season, and A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms: The Hedge Knight is in the works, although its development has been paused during the writers’ strike.

It is, of course, not surprising that the world of Thrones is continuing – it’s a richly-drawn landscape, with memorable characters and a well-developed society.

It is also populated by Great Houses, drawing boundary lines between the characters, their endeavours and their desires.

Some of the most notable and powerful houses include the Starks, the Lannisters, the Targaryens, the Baratheons, the Tullys, the Tyrells and the Boltons – with plenty more also vying to secure their land and clinch those crucial alliances.

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Each has their own temperament – for instance, the Targaryens are known for their hot-headedness, the Lannisters for their ambition and the Starks for their honour.

But have you ever wondered which house you would fit into? Perhaps you already have an idea yourself and wish to test it out? Then look no further.

Right here you can take our test, which will ask you a series of questions in order to sort you into one of the Great Houses in the Game of Thrones universe. Are you a Lannister or a Tyrell, a Bolton or a Baratheon? Here is your chance to find out.

So what are you waiting for? Get answering those questions!