Spain’s Field Farm has become an exhibit at Beamish, the Living Museum of the North

A historic farm in County Durham has been moved stone by stone and reconstructed at Beamish, the Living Museum of the North.

Spain’s Field Farm originally stood in Eastgate, near Stanhope in Weardale. The earliest stonework on the buildings is thought to date from the 1700s, and the Raine family lived there from the 1870s to the late 1950s.

Approximately 1,170 tonnes of stone and timber, forming the farmhouse and its outbuildings, were taken down and moved to the museum in order to recreate a 1950s farm with no electricity or running water.

The first stone of the reconstruction was laid by Mary Foster, née Raine, who has since died, and the farm was offcially opened by her daughter Yvonne Forster on 19 March.