By Rosemary Collins

Published: Friday, 25 February 2022 at 12:00 am

RootsTech, the world’s largest family history show, will return online as RootsTech Connect on 3-5 March 2022.

RootsTech was launched by free genealogy website FamilySearch in 2011, but the event was held in Salt Lake City, with steep charges to attend.

After the 2020 event was cancelled because of the covid pandemic, RootsTech brought it online for RootsTech Connect 2021.

The event proved such a success that it’s returning this year, with RootsTech promising “a hybrid online and in-person model” from 2023 onwards.

As usual, RootsTech has announced a programme of inspiring keynote speakers from around the world to talk about their family history.

This year’s speakers include Apollonia Poilâne, who runs her world-renowned family business, the Poilâne Bakery in Paris; actor Matthew Modine, known for The Dark Knight Rises and Stranger Things; and three-time world champion boxer Samuel Azumah Nelson.

RootsTech Connect also offers a programme of 1,500 sessions with practical tips on family history research from different countries, plus the chance to connect virtually with fellow family historians.

Leading family history companies and organisations will also have stalls in the virtual Expo Hall – including Who Do You Think You Are? Magazine. We hope to see our readers there!

You can register for RootsTech Connect here.


Rosemary Collins is the features editor of Who Do You Think You Are? Magazine