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Dorset History Centre is trying to trace pictures of ceramic designer Truda Carter (1890–1958). Born Gertrude Ethel Sharp, she married John Adams in London in 1915 and they lived in Durban, South Africa, until c1921. They then formed the ceramic partnership Carter, Stabler and Adams with Cyril Carter and Harold and Phoebe Stabler. Based in Poole, Dorset, the business became famous for its distinctive modernist and art-deco look, designed by Truda. Truda later divorced John and married Cyril Carter. The only known photo of her was taken in 1943 (right). The centre hopes to find more pictures of Truda to secure “her rightful position as one of Britain’s great women designers”. If you have any, please email

Do you have a photograph of Truda Carter in your family collection?