RAF Kenley, 1941 – you can see the attempts to camouflage the runways

More than 400,000 historic photographs of England from the air are now available to view online.

Historic England has announced the launch of its Aerial Photo Explorer (historicengland.org.uk/images-books/archive/collections/aerialphotos), which shows photos covering nearly 30 percent of England (about 15,000 square miles) and dating from 1919 to the present.

They include the remains of ancient archaeology such as a Neolithic long barrow near Broughton, Hampshire; remains of Iron Age forts such as Pilsdon Pen in Dorset and medieval villages such as Old Sulby in Northamptonshire; and Second World War features such as antiaircraft ditches and earthworks at Hampton Court Palace and RAF Kenley, and allotments used to grow food in Greenwich Park.

About 300,000 of the images are the work of Historic England’s Aerial Investigation and Mapping Team, which was formed in 1967. The rest are older photographs from the Historic England Archive.