This month’s pictures were supplied by Helen Taylor from Linlithgow, West Lothian, and include a relation who was a member of the Black Watch

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Alexander and Jane Wilson

In this photograph my husband’s grandparents are all dressed up for a wedding that took place in Edinburgh in the early 1920s.

Clemens and his family

This picture shows Clemens with his sister Adelheid and his two sons, who were both born in Scotland. It was taken during a return visit that Clemens made to Germany.

My great grandfather’s brother

Clemens Frederick Norman Schlomka was born in Germany and brought to Glasgow as a child to live with his grandparents. In this photo from the 1920s he is wearing his Black Watch uniform.

The Gold family

Here are the Gold sisters (left to right) Tsipora, Ahuva, my maternal grandmother Rivka and Chaia, photographed in Tel Aviv in Israel.

My grandfather

August Georg Constantin Schlomka, shown here in the uniform of the German Army, was born in 1866.

My father

Here my father Fritz Schlomka (born 1902) stands next to his older brother, my uncle Herbert.

Herbert and Helene

This is another photo of Herbert, with my grandmother Helene Schlomka who was born in 1867 in Berlin. It was taken in 1896, the same year he was born.

Jane and Catherine

My mother-in-law Jane Wilson loved posing for this photograph with her younger sister. It was taken in an Edinburgh studio in 1926. Jane reached the age of 103!

Rivka and Jonah

This is another picture of my grandmother in Tel Aviv, shown here with my grandfather dressed up for a celebration. Sadly I never got to meet them.


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