
Published: Thursday, 09 May 2024 at 09:24 AM

My great grandfather James Thomas Hawkins worked his way up to become a train driver for the London and South Western Railway. My father’s cousin still has the watch visible in James’ waistcoat pocket.

Black and white photograph of an older man and woman

James and my great grandmother Frances (née Childs) in later life. 

Black and white photograph of six white men in old-fashioned suits with an Indian man in a turban
Grandad top left. This looks to be the same building as previous photos so I’m guessing it is Lahore. I would love to know who all these gentlemen are.

James’ son Harry Hawkins (back row, far left) spent a decade as a boilermaker with Indian Railways. 

Black and white photograph of a man and woman getting married
Harry & Doris on their wediing day.

Harry and Doris Hawkins wed in 1922.

Black and white photograph of two women standing up, an older woman sitting down and holding a baby, and a little boy
Doris, Grandma Williams, Peter, Ida & Brian. Peter’s christening 1927.

Left to right: Doris; my great grandmother, Sarah Williams, holding my father Peter; Doris’ sister Ida May Jessie; and my uncle Brian, who was born in India.

Aunty Ada & husband, Herbert Campaign, Ascension Islands.

My great aunt Ada Hawkins and her husband Herbert Campaign on a ship in the Ascension Islands.

Black and white photograph of a man in an old-fashioned military uniform
Thomas Williams, Royal Horse Artillery

Thomas Williams, my great grandfather, joined the Royal Horse Artillery in 1866. He transferred to the Reserves in 1893. 

Black and white photograph of a middle-aged man and woman in old-fashioned clothes
Nanny Brown & Wiliam Brown

My maternal grandmother Daisy Dawe was a spinster when she married Robert Brown in 1940. She’d already had eight children (it’s a long story!)

Black and white photograph of a man, a woman and three young children in old-fashioned clothes
Daisy Dawe with Jack on her lap, Frederick George Bray (Taylor), Ruth and Vera

Daisy with George Bray AKA Taylor, my grandfather.

Black and white photograph of a young man in Second World War uniform
Leonard Brown. Killed at Dunkirk.

Mum’s stepbrother, Leonard Brown, died at Dunkirk in the Royal Berkshire Regiment.